What is operating system, functions of operation system, and types of operating systems:-

What is Operating System?

In true words, without the operating system, the computer is nothing more than a tin box, the operating system is the only means by which we can access our talk to the computer hardware or give commands to the hardware. The operating system acts as a bridge between the hardware and our users. Only by changing the operating system, you can type any letter on the keyboard and print it from the printer. That is, the better the operating system, the less tension you have.

The operating system has a complete account of users, hardware, programs i.e. software. That is, you can do the same work that has been given in it, in order to take other work, you have to install programs ie software in the operating system as per your convenience. Such as browser for using MS Office or Internet for letter typing and office related tasks, in addition to audio and video player for playing videos and audios.

Introduction of Operating systems:-

An operating System manage and coordinates the functions of a performed by the computer hardware including the CPU input output device and secondary storage device. Operating systems are the most important system programs that run a computer. Each and every type of the computer must have a operating system to run the other programs. The operating system is used it for various purpose but the primary purpose of using an operating system is to maximize the  productivity of a computer system by operating in this in the most efficient manner and minimising the amount of human intervention required. Examples of some popular microcomputer operating systems are Windows Linux Unix OS/2 Mac OS, etc. The OS Performance basic tasks, such as controlling and allocating memory using the processing of descriptions containing input or output device facilities Network and managing files.

Functions of an operating system:-

  • It controls all the hardware components and software programs of a computer.
  • It manages the computer's memory like primary and secondary.
  • It provides an interface between the user and the machine.
  • It provides an environment for software application to function.
  • It displays the structure direction for the data management.
  • It measures and coordinates with the various input output and storage device.

Types of operating system:-

Single user singer task operating system

There's operating systems can be used only for single task and single user at the time. Yaar a single task or operation can be carried but efficiently and probably by a single user the plan was for claim hand held computers is a good explain of modern single user single task operating system.

Single user multi task operating system

These operating systems worked on more than one task and process them can currently at a time. The processor of this was divided the time among the several executed task. This division of time is called time sharing systems. Here, the processes switch rapidly between the process. for example the user can listen to music on the computer well and writing an artical using word processor software. Users can also switch between the application and transfer the data between them; all latest versions of Windows the examples of multitasking OS.

Multi user operating system

In these operating systems multiple users are allowed to access the same data or information at a time via a network the users can also internet among each other. some examples of this type of operating system Linux UNIX and Windows 7.

Multiprocessing of operating systems

In this operating system a single process runs on two or more processor all the processing and their management takes place in a parallel way. hence this OS is also called parallel processing. each processor works on different parts of the same task, or, on two or more different tasks. As their execution work in parallel these are applicable for high speed execution and also to increase the power of the computer. Linux UNIX and Windows 7 are example of the multi processing in OS.

Embedded operating systems

These operating system are embedded in a device which is located in ROM. These operating system less resource-intensive these are many applicable in appliance like microwaves washing machines traffic control system etc.


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